Green Hummus

Pea and mint hummus with mixed seeds and corn nachos


Double Hummus Summer

Green Hummus and Classic Hummus with corn nachos


Classic Hummus

Chickpea hummus with chives and corn nachos


Sweet potato fries


French fries


Green Bun

Bread with sesame seeds with crunchy planted chicken patty, feta sauce, zucchini, salad, dried tomato and black olives pesto


Green Combo Menù


Mama Bun

Bread with sesame seeds, eggplant cutlet, salad, roasted cherry tomatoes, smoked veg provola cheese, pink sauce

€ 9,80

Mama Combo Menù


Summer Bun

Bread with sesame seeds, oat and beetroot burger, romesco sauce, iceberg, carrot and courgette coleslaw, crunchy onion

€ 9,60

Summer Combo Menù


Veg Kebab

Wrap with veg kebab, ketchup, yogurt sauce, tomatoes, salad, white onion


Veg Kebab Combo Menù


Baby Bun

Planted sticks cutlet, French fries, veg cheddar, lettuce, mayo and ketchup


Baby Combo Menù


Wild Bun

Planted pulled BBQ, guacamole, tomato, rocket


Wild Combo Menù


Tropical Salad

Salad, veg feta, tomatoes, julienned carrots, black and green olives, mango sauce, mixed seeds

€ 7,90

Tropical Combo Menù


Cosmo Rice

Rice, julienned carrots and courgettes, pulled herbs, pea hummus, cashews, crunchy onion, pink sauce, white sesame seeds

€ 9,70

Cosmo Combo Menù


Sunny KusKus

Couscous with spice mix, sweet and sour onion, rocket, ginger and beetroot falafel, mango, walnuts, tahini sauce, black sesame seeds

€ 10,80

Sunny Combo Menù

€ 14,40

Onion Rings

Onion rings with veg cheddar fondue

LARGE: €6.90 (8pcs.)

MEDIUM: €5.30 (6pcs.)

SMALL: €3.60 (4pcs.)

Chilli Pops

Nuggets with jalapeño, vegan melty cheese, and peppers with yogurt sauce

LARGE: €7,60 (8pcs.)

MEDIUM: €6,10 (6pcs.)

SMALL: €4,10 (4pcs.)

Mama Taquitos

Mini taquitos with rice, red beans, various spices with sweet and sour sauce


Tic Tacos

Herbs planted pulled, carrot and zucchini coleslaw, sweet and sour onion, tahini sauce, black sesame seeds


Tacos Cos Cos

Ginger and beetroot falafel, yogurt sauce, julienned carrots, pink sauce, mixed seeds

€ 7,90

Mama Space Cake

Double chocolate avocado cake

Slice: €4,90
Added to combo menu: €3,90

Not a Mango Cheesecake

Veg cheesecake with mango sauce and rapé coconut flakes




Frozen yogurt

Veg yogurt with caramel topping and caramelized helzenut grains


Frozen yogurt

Veg yogurt with dark chocolate topping and caramelized chopped almonds


Frozen yogurt

Veg yogurt with berries and rapé coconut flakes topping


Moretti rossa




Soft Drinks

Coca Cola, Coca Cola 0, Fanta



Still or sparkle


Strawberry nectar


Pear nectar


Apricoat nectar


Pay less, eat more!

French Fries + Main of your choice + Water

You may change the French Fries with...

Classic Hummus – Free

Green Hummus – Free

Sweet Potato Fries + €1,00

Double Hummus + €1,60

You may change the water with...

Nectars + €2,00

Coca/Fanta + €0,70

Ichnusa blond beer + €1,90

Moretti red beer + €2,50